Georgia Baldwin

“You really don’t need much to make you happy… The past year made me truly grateful for where I am and what I have especially being in the countryside”


Intercru: Where are you from? Where do you live and work now?

Georgia: I’m from England and live in in the beautiful county of Dorset by the coast. I finished school in 2019 and made the decision to skip University to pursue all things camera-related as I am an agency signed model but also a freelance photographer here in Dorset and occasionally London.

Where do you find creative inspiration for your work?

I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say Pinterest... I spend hours constantly saving ideas, poses, outfit inspiration, etc.

Other than that, the locations here in Dorset, especially on the coast, allow me to do a whole variety of shoots with ocean, beaches, cliffs, fields, woods, and farms etc.

On top of that, the models help with finalising of a look as everyone is different and has different styles and creates different moods.

Who are some of your favorite photographers right now?

Currently I’m loving Gerhard Merzeder. He has given me a lot of recent inspiration. Another would be Natalie Karpushenko and also Domenico Falso has been a long time favourite.


For you, what’s the hardest part about photography

Personally, it’s being a freelancer at the age of 20 and juggling all aspects of a photoshoot on my own without a team and working out how to do everything other than just the taking the pictures. Only recently I’ve started having MUAs on location (who also help holding reflector and props etc) which is a huge, huge help.

Also trying to put together an outfit when you aren’t the greatest stylist or getting makeup camera perfect with MUA, to holding a large reflector in the wind while in the other hand a heavy camera is a challenge. But I wouldn’t change the experience one bit as it makes the shots worth it.

What really makes you happy?

Family, my pets, photography... all the obvious but true ones. I was always seeking more before the pandemic but as a lot of people have experienced, you really don’t need much to make you happy and although I want to work hard to be successful, travel, have money, etc… the past year made me truly grateful for where I am and what I have especially being in the countryside during this past year too.

If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would they be?

1.    End of climate change

2.    For my life to be full of adventure

3.    All the photography equipment I will ever need

What is the best gift you’ve ever been given?

My camera. Very simply, all camera equipment from my first in 2014 from my dad to my camera bag from my boyfriend and everything in-between. I wouldn’t have found my love for it if I hadn’t and I am so grateful for my parents supporting me and helping me with what can be a very expensive hobby.


What’s your proudest accomplishment?

Probably still being creative during the pandemic and keeping on going when I thought I was going nowhere with it...

Who knows you the best?

Most likely my mum. We are so close and there’s nothing she doesn’t know about me.

In 3 words how would you describe yourself?

1.    Ambitious- Choosing to try make photography my job instead of Uni or a ‘proper’ job. I’m so determined to prove that I can be successful in something I love so much.

2.    Overthinker- This can be a weakness but definitely also a strength in times

3.    Creative- I’ve always been into art since I can remember being the girl in the class who can draw then obviously getting into photography

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

That’s quite a hard question. I haven’t travelled much and I’m desperately seeking to... so not sure on place.

But a dream in the future is to live in the countryside with lots of animals, anywhere beautiful but not too in the middle of nowhere (without being picky) with maybe slightly better, more predictable weather than England.


Georgia Baldwin is a photographer and model based out of Dorset, England. To see more of her photography, you can check out her work on Instagram @georgiabldwin.


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