Natalia Golebiewska

With all her portraits, analog photographer Natalia Golebiewska captures the beauty and emotion in her subjects

Intercru: Where are you from? Where do you live/work now?

Natalia: I’m from Warsaw, Poland and this is where I live and work. 

How did you first get into photography?

About a year ago I got an analog camera from my friend as a gift. He gave me some quick instructions on how to use it and I started going out shooting still life. I absolutely fell in love with it from the very first roll. 

What is the feeling you like to express with your creative work?

Whatever is in my head at the moment :)

Where do you find inspiration for your work?

My emotions and experiences, movies and photography, situations I encounter. 

What’s your favorite part about photography and going on photoshoots?

Meeting new people, learning from them and getting new experiences each time. I also love how much it absorbs me.

What is your favorite subject to photograph?

People and their emotions.


Natalia is a Warsaw-based portrait photographer. To see more of her photography, you can follow her work on Instagram @nati.krati.


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