Mara Alonso

“What I love about shooting film is the timing… I mean, you really need time to look through the camera and think about what you want to see in the frame.”


Intercru: Where are you from?

Mara: I am from Granada, a really special city from the south of Spain. I grew up there until I turned 19, then I moved on to Málaga for university. In Granada I danced flamenco and I really learned about light even without noticing it.

Where do you live and work now?

I am based in Madrid although I work in Barcelona as well

How did you get started in photography? What was your first camera?

My first camera was a Yashica FX3 from my dad and I started using it in my second course of the university. Then I bought a Canon 500D to start with digital photography.

What do you love the most about analog photography? Do you prefer shooting digital or film?

What I love about shooting film is the timing… I mean, you really need time to look through the camera and think about what you want to see in the frame.

In addition, when you are shooting professionally, everyone can watch the pictures in the computer and everybody has an opinion. It’s easy to feel very distracted from the main purpose. Shooting in analog makes you be totally focused and confident with your aesthetic criteria.

I definitely prefer analog because it makes me feel excited to see the results after I develop the film. But I know that digital is the future and an easy way to work.


Where do you find creative inspiration?

 I find inspiration in lots of things. I am always watching the world around me- scenes in the street, people, and of course art. I spend many time making visual research by visiting exhibitions, going to the theatres, watching movies or series, reading about art, looking for photographers…

I love to look at the light in different places to see how it reflects. For me, inspiration is everywhere :)

Who are some of your favorite photographers?

I love so many people because I think there are a lot of talented artists nowadays. I love women as Lina Scheynius, Ina Lekiewicz, Isabelle Wenzel, Frankiewicz Rozniata, Camila Falquez… I could mention a lot of them. I love the work of David Abrahams, Colin Dodgson, Jamie Hawkesworth…

And of course I have classics in my mind as Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, Paolo Roversi, William Eggleston, Mario Sorrenti...

What really makes you happy?

That’s a difficult question... But I feel very happy when little things make me excited, like listening to flamenco or just being in nature without listening to anything else. I’m very intense and I love to get the goosebumps :)

If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would they be?

For sure, I would start with equality for everyone.

After that, I’d love a large fortune and to have all the time in the world just to make my own projects without thinking about money :)


In 3 words how would you describe yourself?

Passionate, hard-working, and dreamer

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

Australia could be a good place to live, but if I had the opportunity I’d spend my life living in different countries.

What’s your favorite color?

Why to choose one when you can have lots of them!

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be self-confident, believe in yourself, and don’t listen to negatives comments about your dreams.


Mara Alonso is a Spanish photographer based between Madrid and Barcelona. To see more of her photography, you can check out her website or follow her work on Instagram @mara___alonso.


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