Omri Rosengart

For our latest article, Intercru spoke with fashion photographer Omri Rosengart. Check out his personal story below and see some of his fashion work.


I was born In Paris, and by the age go six, moved to Tel Aviv until a year ago. Since August 2019, I’ve been going back and forth between Paris and Tel Aviv, working on establishing my career in the fashion industry in both markets. 

I started to photograph four years ago when I lived in Milan for modeling. Back then, I bought my first camera and had a local clothing brand named Led By Fear. I took some of the collection with me to Milan, thinking of photographing my friends there. Since then, I fell in love entirely with the process and photography. I continued to New York to see my girlfriend and photograph her as well.

By the time I got back to Tel Aviv, I knew that this was more than a hobby and passion; my wish was to learn the profession and built my career in this. In the months that followed, I worked by being an assistant photographer, using my relations and friends from the local industry as a model, and understanding the photographer’s position on set, switching sides of the camera. A year later, I flew to New York once again to learn there, and one year later, I went to do my Master in Fashion Photography and Film in PCA college in Paris.


The hardest part of photography to me is to stay creative and to build your style and language. There are so many talented photographers, and with all the content shared on social media daily, it is hard not to be exposed. We can get lost in the pool of media, and it can bring us down too.

I believe that it is essential from the start to focus on what do you like to photograph. It’s more important to find the thing that gets you excited, not necessarily what gets the attention of others. It is important to remember that quality is more substantial and decisive in that profession than quantity, so you need to try to stay loyal to your passion for it.


To find creative inspiration, I’ve learned that it is essential to surround yourself with people who share the passion for your profession. It can be photographers, fashion designers, creative directors, hair and makeup stylists, and more. Besides, it is essential to keep on soaking knowledge about this world, other creators’ work, good cinema movies, and trying to keep on photographing, even if you feel stuck. It is important from time to time to put aside the camera for a “short vacation” so when you get back on track, you have this hunger to work and create again. 

My favorite part about photography that I’ve discovered lately, is the idea that when I’m photographing, I’m 100% in that moment. I focus on the reality of that moment, not about the mistakes of yesterday, and not about the dread of tomorrow. I am living in the moment, and sometimes we have so much anxiety from things that already happened or will never come that we can focus on the moment, in now. When I photograph, I’m in that moment, and in that moment, we create something that has not been there before.


What defines the “perfect photo” is very difficult question. It depends on so many things, but to make it more simple, we can witness how a great photo is something that relates to the picture itself. Sometimes it is the movement of that precise moment that the image has taken, and sometimes it is just the eyes. You can never fully control what will happen the moment you click the photo. A perfect shot is a photo that speaks by itself, so the audience can feel what happened at that moment, and when that photo stopped the moment then and now.

Tim Walker said once that Richard Avedon told him, “Subject first, technique later.” In that case, I feel he was trying to say that you must focus on what will stay for many years after that photo was taken, which is honesty and truth, and what will be the thing which will keep that photo perfect.


Omri Rosengart is a fashion photographer based out of Paris and Tel Aviv. To see more of his photography, you can check out his website or follow his work on Instagram @omrirosengart.


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